Tuesday, December 4, 2012

"The Ghost that Impersonated My Wife!" (scary/funny)

On November 19, 2012, a ghost impersonated my wife’s voice and haunted me in my own home.  Yes, it is true.  But let me give you the full story…

I was home alone on a Monday afternoon.  My wife Sarah was about twenty minutes away at her day job, while I was doing computer work for an apparel company I recently started.  I had just received new product samples, and needed to take pictures for the website.  However, I faced a problem.  I did not have a high quality camera to use, and needed one desperately.  Being religious, I offered a prayer and asked God to help me find access to a high quality camera.  About fifteen minutes later, my cousin Mark, who lives in the front part of my duplex, knocked on my door.  He wanted to show me his new, high quality camera!  As you can imagine, I was stunned and promptly rejoiced.  Together, we took the ten second walk to his side of the duplex where he showed me some of the awesome features of his new toy.  Because of his kind nature, I was not surprised when he said I could use the camera for my company needs.  I was so excited and grateful.  Don’t worry, this information is important to remember for later.    

After about ten minutes of talking with Mark, I left and walked back to my house.  I then realized it was time to go to the gym, but I needed some food-fuel first.  Time for a pre-workout PB & J!  With new life inside me, I briskly entered my living domain and headed straight for the kitchen.  I remember noticing how dark the house had gotten.  Crazy how quickly the sun goes down this time of the year.  Anyway, the house was absolutely dead quite, and I was still alone.  Or so I thought. 

Now in the kitchen, with my back facing the shadowed hallway, I started to make a peanut butter and jelly sandwich.  The light from the kitchen seemed to make the strawberry jam sparkle with awesomeness.  What a beautiful sight to behold!  Okay, so maybe I was just hallucinating due to the giddy feelings of happiness and astonishment from the whole camera situation.  Regardless, the sandwich was looking super good to my hungry eyes.  I can still feel the saliva pooling up in my mouth.
Anyways, this part of the story now forces me to reveal a personal habit that some would consider to be embarrassing.  But it is a habit that becomes an important key to the haunting that will soon take place.  The habit is this: I often talk to myself out loud when I am alone.  Yes, that is correct.  No shame.  And like the ever wise Professor Dumbledore from Harry Potter once said regarding this very same habit, “I find it extraordinarily useful.”  Like good ol’ Dumby, I too find it useful to express my feelings through the spoken word, and I indeed had some powerful feelings of joy to express in that moment.  So, without surprise, I said to myself out loud while thinking about the camera, 

“What an answer to prayers.” 

 The words echoed throughout the lonely house for only me to hear.  But then suddenly, the voice of someone else floated into my ears from off in the distance.  A faint, high-pitched voice that seemed to repeat exactly what I had just said, but in question form,

 What, is an answer to prayers?”  The voice asked.    

Confused and a bit startled, I tried to make sense of what I thought I just heard.  But I could not pin point from where the sound originated, nor was I certain as to what was actually said.  Even stranger still, was that the voice sounded very much like one of the many voices my wife does.  I looked around in confusion.  I found myself in unchanged solitude; totally alone.  No wife in sight.  Of course not.  Sarah was still at work, and would not get off until 5pm.  The microwave clock read 4:27pm.  Considering the drive through rush hour traffic, it would be at least another hour before she got home.  Ok, so it is obviously not Sarah.  I then thought it was the next door neighbor’s kids yelling like they always do when they play in their back yard.  That would explain the faintness of the voice and the high-pitch frequency.  Yes of course, I thought.  And, if it was the kids next door, then more yelling is a guarantee, and will be the supporting evidence I need to rest the case.  I paused to listen for the continuation of children’s voices; but nothing.  No yells.  No cries.  The neighbor’s kids were definitely not outside.  This realization ushered into my dazed mind a third possibility.  A scary thought that, at first, I only half-way took seriously.  A ghost could be impersonating my wife!  A couple hairs stood up on the back of my neck, but I chuckled out loud at the same time.  A ghost!  Haha.  What a joke.  I remember smiling as I spread another glob of strawberry jam onto my honey wheat bread.  In attempt to entertain the idea, I then humorously thought: okay, if it is a ghost playing around with me; trying to scare me by repeating the things I say, then it will surely do it again. Right?  Thinking I was being clever, and would outsmart the ghost or make it feel stupid, I then repeated the same words, in a louder tone than the first time, 

“What an answer to prayers!”  I loudly exclaimed. 

I then paused.  With a sarcastic smirk on my face and butter knife in hand hovering over the unfinished peanut butter sandwich, I waited for a response.  About three full seconds passed, and no voice sounded.  In that moment I was convinced that my ears simply misinterpreted an outside noise, causing my brain to temporarily freak out.  But life was good again, and everything made sense.  I then broke the silence by confidently and humorously mumbling under my breath, 

“That’s what I thought dumb spirit!” I finished.    

Literally right after I said these words, the unthinkable happened.  To my uttermost horror, the high-pitched voice came back!  And with a vengeance, it practically yelled, 

WHAT is an answer to prayers?!!!!”      

I instantly jumped, my heart about stopped, and my hands clumsily smashed onto the tops of the two bread slices.  With peanut butter and strawberry jam on my shaking knuckles, I urgently turned my head to where the voice came from, which was definitely inside the house.  It was also clear that the voice was my wife’s.  No doubt about it.  But she is not home!  She can’t be!  I looked at the microwave clock again, which read 4:29pm.  She gets off work at 5pm!  And if she ever leaves early, she sends a notification text message.  These thoughts and more raced through my panicked brain.  I frantically searched my most recent memories, hoping to catch a glimpse of her gray, Chevy Malibu in the driveway; but nothing.  My car was the only one there when I walked back from Marc’s. 
My terrified eyes were now fixed on the black hallway, which led to the source of the voice: our bedroom.  Absolutely no lights were on at that end of the house.  And so the “pep talk” within my head began: Okay Kyle, there is very possibly a ghost in your house that is crudely impersonating your wife.  And it is in her bedroom.  Be brave…BE BRAVE!  Now, go investigate!

At that point, I was still only teasing the idea of a ghost actually impersonating my wife, but was also beginning to accept the possibility.  Still not convinced though.  With a quick effort to swallow my fear, I started down the long, dark hallway and towards our bedroom.  I passed the closet on the right, then the bathroom on the left.  Finally, I arrived at the closed bedroom door; exactly how I left it.  One last hopeful thought insisted that it could be my wife Sarah.  It is possible that, for some crazy reason, she is home.  A sense of comfort swept over me as I considered and hoped for this potential scenario.  But I was still cautious.  

In most scary movies I have seen, in this kind of situation the victims always open the squeaky door slowly, and force you to endure the painful anticipation.  No way was I about to do that.  Heck freaking no!  So, with a sweaty grip I clenched the door knob and about broke the door down with a quick burst.  What the…?!  All hope that Sarah was the source of the haunting was chased away by an empty, dark room!  I scanned the area for any signs of life…or…or for signs of death; you know, the potential ghost that was impersonating my wife.  Sarah was nowhere to be found.  My heart rate dramatically increased, and I was now truly on edge.  What is going on?! The prospect of an actual ghost in the house seemed more believable than ever.  I decided to investigate the remaining rooms.       
I turned around and started to tip toe back through the darkness of the hallway (still not sure why I didn’t turn on the lights).  Right as I walked in front of the bathroom door, the high-pitch voice thundered from the other side and unloaded a long string of words that I could not understand.  In that moment, I felt a powerful, Justin Bieber quality scream of sheer terror erupting from within me, but somehow I managed to suppress it.  I about completely fell over, and almost unloaded in my pants.  What followed was my wife’s hysterical laughter.    

The haunting nightmare was at an end.  Turns out that my dear, sweet, and harmless wife Sarah was, in fact, home and sitting on the toilet.  Yes, it was actually Sarah; not a ghost.  But how?  This is what happened: 
Sarah got off work early; forgot to text me; arrived home during the ten minute window when I was at Marc’s; zoomed to the bathroom, for obvious reasons, and did not bother to turn on the hallway light; and I did not notice her car in the driveway, because I was distracted by the excitement of the camera.  One would say it was the perfect storm.  

Of course, I was a little bit angry by the needless fear, but also extremely happy that there was not a ghost impersonating my wife after all.  My wife is very special to me, and if any ghost ever tried to disrespect her through impersonation, I would punch it in the face!  After I scream like a girl.                                   

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